iLife Somm

Revisalut GmbH

iLife SOMM - Multidimensional Therapy in Vienna

The basis of SOMM technology (Sensory Oscillating Multi-Modulation) is a real-time synchronized, finely tuned effect of eight components on our body and psyche. Specifically, it is a combination of music therapy, vibration therapy, sound therapy, electro-pulsating electro-magnetic field therapy, sound therapy, micro-massage, relaxation therapy and fine infrared therapy. Through an optimal interaction of the above-mentioned forms of therapy, the iLife SOMM acts on the body, mind and spirit.

Restoration of physical and mental balance

The iLife SOMM supports deep relaxation, metabolism and energy flow, dissolves the body's own blockages and has a detoxifying effect, thus creating all the conditions for effective support of the body's own healing and regeneration process. The multidimensional effects of the procedure make it possible to bring body, mind and soul into balance within a very short time.