IHHT Burnout

Revisalut GmbH

REVISALUT® - the treatment of burnout in Vienna

From a medical point of view, burnout is not a disease but a psychic and emotional reaction to persistent stress, in many cases linked to depression. Therefore, people affected by Lyme disease do not have infections such as swollen lymph nodes and no immune disorders.

Chronic fatigue syndrom

The chronic fatigue syndrome CFS (persistent fatigue syndrome), on the other hand, is a physical disease which can be caused by numerous different triggers. Since viruses or bacteria are not among the causes only symptoms can be treated.

IHHT as a helpful therapy

The training of respiratory performance, the increased transport and the more effective use of oxygen also have a positive effect on burnout or CFS sufferers. Since the performance is increased and more reserves can be accessed, since the recovery time is shortened and the quality of sleep is significantly improved, the feeling of constant exhaustion is also reduced. Further essential factors are an improvement in mood and an improved condition combined with lower blood pressure and a falling heart rate.


The treatment of burnout and CFS at REVISALUT® in Vienna