Revisalut GmbH

IHHT Med in Vienna at REVISALUT®

IHHT - the Interval Hypoxic Hyperoxic Training for cell and mitochondria regeneration

The mitochondria are the power plants in our cells. They supply our fuel and our energy carrier ATP (adenosine triphosphate). With increasing age, but also under stress , they lose the ability to effectively produce energy, this is why destructive free radicals are no longer adequately neutralized. Dysfunction of the hormonal, immune and nervous systems as well as heart and muscle weakness are the consequences. IHHT trains and regenerates the mitochondria. Furthermore, it produces more red blood cells and growth hormones. With deeper breathing and a stronge r blood flow, cells, tissues and organs are better supplied with oxygen.

Typical diseases and conditions for the use of IHHT

  • Cell regeneration and renewal
  • Healthy aging strategy to slow down the aging process
  • Burnout and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
  • Sleep disorders
  • Increased susceptibility to infection
  • Respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, COPD or sleep apnea
  • Fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis and chronic borreliosis
  • Rehabilitation after diseases, injuries and surgeries
  • Preparation of untrained people to facilitate getting started in endurance sports and to promote reduction of weight.

The process of IHHT in practice

IHHT is carried out by using a breathing mask while sitting or lying. You breathe oxygen-reduced air and oxygen-enriched air alternately six to seven times in the course of a session. A training unit lasts 55 minutes, at the beginning 10 units with 2 appointments per week should be taken. Subsequently, a weekly or two-week treatment is recommended for lasting success.

Medicine Nobel Prize 2019

The scientific confirmation of the molecular mechanisms of hypoxia was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2019. nobelprize.org


IHHT Med at REVISALUT® in Vienna